About Us

Our Mission

Auberge Transition is a feminist organization whose primary mandate is to offer shelter, information, counselling and follow-up services to women who are currently experiencing or have experienced any form of spousal abuse. Auberge Transition serves women, with or without children, of all cultures and backgrounds. Through public education, we inform the community about the nature and extent of the problem of spousal abuse, the myths and stereotypes that often surround it, and the routes available to address abuse. As such, we aim to break the isolation and inform as many people as possible that help is available at all times for women and their children.

Our History

As a leader in the field of helping women and children victims of violence, Auberge Transition opened its doors in 1975. It was among the first shelters in Canada to offer such services.

We make it possible for women and children to heal from the devastating effects of abuse by offering a safe home where women and children can transition into a new beginning.

Auberge Transition


C.P. 266 succursale Notre-Dame-de-Grâce
Montréal, Québec
H4A 3P6

Contact Us

(514)-481-0495 (24/7)
Direction : direction@aubergetransition.org
Team members : aubtrans@gmail.com